Saturday, March 27, 2010

No to the censorship!

Because I think that culture must be free, I leave a link to a web created against Sinde's law. And I will be careful with Little Ramon (c) ("king of fried chiken")!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My tale in a book!

Este es el libro que se ha editado con los 100 relatos finalistas, de los casi 4000 presentados, en el concurso "Microrrelatos de terror, homenaje a Edgard Allan Poe". El libro está chulísimo, y uno de los relatos es mío... Humildemente...
Os dejo un enlace.

Differences between men and women...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My new blog!

Hello, everybody! I've created my first blog. This is an interesting experience, at least for me... When I was starting being familiarized with facebook, I give a chance to this new experience. In fact, I'm learning in a course organised by MacMillan... That's the reason why this first entrance is in English. Well, I will introduce some writings in English and in Spanish too...
Well I hope that we can share information about education and humour. I think that learning with a smile is as good as teaching trying to get it.
Let's see you in this blog!